Episode 40: William Burney
Podcast Art for Episode 40 William Burney
I talk with Gen Z filmmaker William Burney about his new film, WHAT ARE WE?
The film looks powerful and of the moment. And it makes me ask the question: when will our film viewing be dominated by the Gen Z experience? Of course, we are getting films by young filmmakers, in all forms of the medium now. The point isn't to say there aren't films out there that cover it. But film festivals aren't programmed that way; the people that greenlight films aren't in that generation, and so on. But that future is coming and the question remains.
If my guest is any indication of what that looks like, well, then the future is exceedingly bright. We talk about how he got his love for filmmaking with the biggest twist answer the podcast has ever had, Gen Z's role in filmmaking, the story behind WHAT ARE WE?, and what William wants to focus on in the future.
Don't turn around, you're not going that way. I'm super excited about the way ahead in this episode.
William's Indie Film Highlight: Tranquil Waters, Boundless Skies
WHAT ARE WE? Instagram Page
WHAT ARE WE? Seed & Spark
The cover art depicts a generative AI image based on a description of the film or career highlights.