Episode 3: Christopher Jarvis

Podcast Art for Episode 3 with Christopher Jarvis

I talk with Christopher Jarvis, a Detroit filmmaker and musician about his upcoming work, Sunset Somewhere. We talk about crowdfunding for the film, his preferred camera, what's it like to film in Detroit, and more.

And talk about feeling the logline in my soul -- I can't wait for this film to come out, and you will as well after listening to this pod. "Sunset Somewhere is a film about that feeling when your 20's are behind you and you're starting to come to terms with the fact that you probably won't get to live the dream life you wanted, and learning to accept that and see the beauty in everyday life."


Christopher’s Website

Christopher’s Email

Christopher’s YouTube Channel (check this out — it’s amazing)

The cover art depicts a generative AI image based on a description of the film or career highlights.

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Episode 3 with Christopher Jarvis


Episode 4: Joseph Amodei


Episode 2: Paul Jun