Episode 40: Louis Momméja

Podcast Art for Season 2 Episode 40 with Louis Momméja

Love letter to New York City? Check. A humble, kind, smart filmmaker? Check. A bold name and a bold film on Kickstarter? Check, check, check.

In this episode, I talk with Louis Momméja about his new film, REFUCTORING; his journey from Paris to New York, with a stop in Los Angeles; the realities of trying to keep up with a filmmaking career while also making money; the challenges of highlighting darker topics in one's work (no lie -- Wendy Corn's episode was the most downloaded last year); the international value of living and working in New York City; and the exciting future for Louis and his film.

If a guy named his film REFUCTORING and makes it work, I'm betting on that guy to go a long way.

Louis' Indie Film Highlight: THE FEELING THAT THE TIME FOR DOING SOMETHING HAS PASSED (2023) dir. by Joanne Arnow



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Listen to filmmaker Louis Momméja


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