Episode 2: Justine Martin

Podcast Art for Season 2 Episode 2 with Justine Martin

I talk with Justine Martin, director of the Oscar shortlisted documentary OASIS.

We talk about:

  • how she developed a love for film growing up in Montreal;

  • what people should expect to see when they watch her debut film;

  • her vision of what a documentary should look like;

  • how to handle issues regarding consent, especially when making a documentary with children;

  • what it was like for her debut film to make such a splash;

  • what's it like as an independent filmmaker in Montreal

  • what's next for this extraordinarily talented Canadian filmmaker.

Justine made a superlative film in OASIS and especially for her debut film, she deserves all the praise she's receiving for creating a beautiful piece of art. And as striking as that is, what's more amazing to me is how grounded she is about the success of her film. 

What she did is not a common occurrence. You're not supposed to make a documentary short as your first film and have it shortlist for the Oscars. But the main takeaway from the conversation is she trusted herself and she trusted her vision for the film. She took steps to make an excellent documentary, with high quality sound and shots. The playground, the crunchiness of the forest, the lake in the rain, these are all things that will be with you for a long time ago. The link to the film is below; I hope you're able to watch it before listening to this episode.

And that you'll be joining me in cheering for Justine in the year ahead.

Justine's Indie Film Highlight: Cameraperson, directed by Kirsten Johnson

The cover art depicts a generative AI image based on a description of the film or career highlights. (Yes, season two is cats.)


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Listen to Justine Martin, director of OASIS.


Episode 3: Nardeep Khurmi


Episode 1: Zarrar Kahn