Episode 47: Bloomberg Green Docs Part 1: The Judges

Season 2 Episode 47 Bloomberg Green Docs Part 1: The Judges

This week is all about the Bloomberg Green Docs festival, held in Seattle on July 12, 2024. Thanks to Bloomberg Climate, especially Emily Anton and Courtney J. Boland, I interviewed most of the judges and all of the five finalists.

Taken altogether, they paint a picture of where the industry is going in regards to climate documentaries; how nonprofits are changing views through both narrative and documentary filmmaking; the secrets to success in a tough industry; and what they were looking for from the five finalists.

I've broken down the interviews into two episodes: the first is with the judges and the second with the finalists. Maybe you've read who won, but if you haven't, I urge you to go on a ride with me this week and wait till the end of part 2 to see who takes home the $25,000.

In this episode, I talk with:

In part 2, I'll talk with the five finalist teams:


Bloomberg Green Docs

The Redford Center

A Louisiana Story (the 1948 film Lindsay Firestone references)

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Listen to the judges behind The 2024 Bloomberg Green Docs Festival.


Episode 48: Bloomberg Green Docs Part 2: The Finalists


Episode 46: Kate Markham